How to Clean Garage Floor: Practical Steps for a Spotless Space

This article provides practical steps to efficiently clean your garage floor, aiming to make it a simple process for all homeowners.

Key takeaways:

  • Broom or leaf blower, stiff brush, bucket, garden hose or pressure washer, wet-dry vacuum for cleaning.
  • Concrete cleaner or degreaser, detergent, concrete etcher for stubborn stains.
  • Remove items, sweep, scrub with cleaner, rinse, and let dry.
  • Use baking soda paste for persistent stains, squeegee excess water.
  • Tackle oil stains with degreaser, rinse thoroughly.

What You’ll Need

Equip yourself with the following tools to ensure an effective cleaning process:

  • Broom or leaf blower: For removing surface debris.
  • Stiff brush: Essential for scrubbing off stubborn stains.
  • Bucket: To mix cleaning solutions.
  • Garden hose or pressure washer: For rinsing the floor thoroughly.
  • Wet-dry vacuum (optional): Helpful for water and debris collection.

Gather these materials to enhance the cleaning:

  • Concrete cleaner or degreaser: To break down oil and grease.
  • Detergent: Mild option for general cleaning.
  • Concrete etcher (if planning to seal): Prepares the surface for sealing.
  • Protective gear: Safety glasses and gloves for personal protection.

This array of tools and materials will equip you to tackle any type of grime or stain, ensuring a thorough cleanse that paves the way for further garage floor maintenance.

Equipment / Tools

Before diving into the cleaning process, having the right equipment and tools on hand streamlines the task and makes it more efficient. Here is what you will need:

  • Broom or leaf blower: For initial sweeping of loose debris and dust.
  • Stiff bristle brush: Essential for scrubbing stains and dirt embedded in the concrete’s porous surface.
  • Pressure washer or garden hose with a high-pressure nozzle: For a thorough rinse and removing ground-in grime.
  • Concrete degreaser or cleaner: Specifically formulated to break down oil, grease, and other automotive fluids.
  • Bucket: For mixing cleaning solutions, if necessary.
  • Protective gear: Rubber gloves and eye protection to safeguard against harsh cleaners.
  • Optional: A wet/dry vacuum can be useful for removing liquids and finer debris after washing the floor.


When embarking on a garage floor cleaning project, gathering the right materials beforehand is crucial. You will need:

  • Concrete Cleaner or Degreaser: To effectively remove oil stains, grime, and dirt from the garage floor.
  • Pressure Washer: For deep cleaning, a pressure washer helps in removing tough dirt and debris.
  • Broom and Dustpan: For sweeping the floor before wet cleaning.
  • Mop and Bucket: Useful for applying soapy water and scrubbing.
  • Epoxy or Concrete Sealer: If you plan to seal the floor after cleaning, have an appropriate sealer on hand.
  • Gloves and Safety Goggles: Protect your hands and eyes when using harsh cleaning agents.
  • Squeegee: To push water towards the drain or out of the garage during the cleaning process.

With these materials, you are equipped to tackle the cleaning task effectively, ensuring a thorough outcome and a refreshed space.


Begin by removing all items from the garage floor, including storage containers, tools, and vehicles, to ensure a clear working area. Sweep the floor with a broom to remove dust, dirt, and debris. For stubborn dirt or stains, use a stiff-bristled brush and a mixture of warm water and a mild detergent or concrete cleaner.

For oil stains, apply a degreaser and let it sit for the recommended amount of time before scrubbing with a brush. Rinse the area thoroughly with water. In case of persistent stains, consider using a pressure washer, being mindful of the water pressure to avoid damage to the concrete.

Once the floor is clean, allow it to dry completely. This is important as sealing a wet floor can lead to issues with adhesion and effectiveness of the sealant. If you plan to apply a sealant, follow the manufacturer’s application instructions for optimal results.

How to Clean a Garage Floor

Begin by removing all items from the garage to have unimpeded access to the floor. Sweep away debris, dust, and dirt using a stiff-bristled broom or a leaf blower for efficiency.

An effective way to tackle oil stains is by applying a degreaser; let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing with a brush.

For a thorough cleanse, use a pressure washer or a hose with a high-pressure nozzle to rinse the floor, ensuring you work your way towards the garage entrance to avoid water pooling.

If using a detergent, select a product appropriate for your floor type, mix with water, apply with a mop, and rinse well.

For persistent stains, a mix of baking soda and water can be used to create a paste, applied to the stained area, and rinsed after 15 minutes.

After washing, squeegee or mop excess water towards the entrance to expedite drying.


What is the best way to clean a concrete garage floor?

The optimal method for cleaning a concrete garage floor involves utilizing a pressure washer to evenly distribute a diluted soap solution across the surface, followed by a high-pressure rinse from the rear of the garage towards the entrance to move the soapy water outside.

What is the best garage floor cleaner?

The best garage floor cleaner is widely considered to be trisodium phosphate (TSP).

Can I use Dawn to clean my garage floor?

Yes, Dawn soap can efficiently clean petroleum-based spills on your garage floor when used with a scrub brush.

How do you clean a concrete garage floor without a pressure washer?

To clean a concrete garage floor without a pressure washer, combine half a cup of baking soda with a gallon of warm water and utilize this solution as an all-purpose cleaner, or mix baking soda with a few drops of liquid soap to form a paste for scrubbing light stains.

What are the most effective natural cleaning agents for a concrete garage floor?

Baking soda, vinegar, and trisodium phosphate are the most effective natural cleaning agents for a concrete garage floor.

What are the potential risks of using harsh chemical cleaners on the garage floor?

Using harsh chemical cleaners on the garage floor can potentially damage the floor's sealant and create harmful fumes in a confined space.

How often should a garage floor be professionally cleaned and sealed for optimal maintenance?

A garage floor should be professionally cleaned and sealed approximately every one to two years for optimal maintenance.