How to Get Rid of Mice in Garage: Simple Steps for a Rodent-Free Space

This article provides practical, step-by-step guidance on effectively eliminating mice from your garage, ensuring a cleaner and safer storage area for your vehicle and belongings.

Key takeaways:

  • Use traps strategically
  • Seal entry points
  • Maintain cleanliness
  • Employ natural deterrents
  • Introduce predators

Signs of Mice in a Garage

Recognizing the presence of mice early is crucial for effective control. Look for droppings, which resemble small, dark grains of rice, often concentrated along walls or in frequently traveled areas by mice.

Gnaw marks on items such as storage boxes and wires, or shredded paper and fabric, can indicate nesting activity. Scratching or scurrying sounds, particularly at night, also suggest you might have uninvited guests.

Don’t overlook unusual pet behavior; cats and dogs may show increased interest in areas where mice are present. Lastly, a persistent musky odor could point to an established infestation, warranting immediate action.

5 Ways to Get Rid of Mice in the Garage

1. Use Traps Strategically: Place snap traps or humane catch-and-release traps along the walls where mice tend to travel. Bait them with peanut butter or cheese for higher success rates.

2. Seal Entry Points: Inspect your garage for cracks, holes, and gaps. Use steel wool and caulk to seal small openings and consider professional solutions for larger breach points.

3. Maintain Cleanliness: Remove clutter and keep the garage tidy to eliminate hiding spots. Store food, seeds, and pet food in rodent-proof containers.

4. Employ Natural Deterrents: Mice dislike strong scents like peppermint oil or cloves. Soak cotton balls in these essential oils and place them in areas where mice activity is noted.

5. Introduce Predators: Consider adopting a cat known for its mousing abilities or install barn owl nesting boxes nearby to tap into natural predation.

Each of these methods can be an effective part of your mouse eradication strategy, and combining them may provide even better results.

What Causes Mice in a Garage?

Garages often provide an ideal environment for mice due to the availability of food sources, such as garbage bins or stored pet food. Clutter and stored items offer ample nesting spots that are typically undisturbed.

Entry points for mice can include gaps under garage doors, windows, or holes around utility lines. Seasonal changes, particularly the onset of colder weather, also drive mice to seek shelter in the insulated confines of a garage.

Regular human activity may not be enough to deter these pests since they can operate undetected in the quieter corners of the space. Maintaining cleanliness, reducing clutter, and sealing entry points are key factors in addressing the root causes of a mouse infestation in a garage.

How to Prevent Mice in a Garage

Maintaining a mouse-free garage requires diligence and proactive measures. Start by sealing cracks and holes in the garage’s walls, foundation, and around doors with caulk or steel wool; mice can squeeze through spaces as small as a dime.

Regularly declutter and organize the space to eliminate potential nesting sites. Store pet food, birdseed, and other edibles in airtight containers to avoid attracting rodents with accessible food sources.

Additionally, install weather stripping along door bottoms to block entry points, and consider placing peppermint oil-soaked cotton balls or ultrasonic repellents as natural deterrents. Keep the garage’s exterior free of vegetation and debris that may serve as shelter for mice.

Lastly, integrate routine inspections into your maintenance schedule to catch and address any new vulnerabilities early on.

When to Call a Pro

Recognizing when a professional exterminator is necessary can save time and prevent infestation worsening. If traps and home remedies fail to diminish the mouse population, or if you notice an extensive amount of droppings, nesting material, or structural damage, it’s time to seek professional help.

Additionally, in cases where there is a persistent foul odor, which might indicate a dead mouse in an inaccessible area, professionals have the proper equipment to effectively manage the issue. Moreover, experts are needed when dealing with large infestations, as they possess the expertise to implement long-term solutions that not only remove the current rodents but also prevent future invasions.


Why do I suddenly have mice in my garage?

A sudden mouse infestation in your garage could be due to openings like unsealed doors or cracks in the foundation, coupled with the presence of easily accessible nesting materials such as cardboard, papers, and debris.

What smell do mice hate?

Mice detest the strong scents of peppermint, eucalyptus oil, bergamot oil, clove oil, and cinnamon oil.

What is the best bait for mice in the garage?

The best bait for attracting mice in the garage is peanut butter due to its sticky consistency and their preference for nutty food.

Can mice survive winter in a garage?

Yes, mice can survive the winter in a garage, especially if there is access to a nearby food source and the garage provides adequate shelter.

What are some preventive measures to keep mice away from the garage?

Preventive measures against mice in the garage include sealing all potential entry points, maintaining cleanliness, avoiding food storage, using natural deterrents like peppermint oil, and setting up traps or rodent repellents.

How effective are ultrasonic repellents in deterring mice from garages?

Ultrasonic repellents can provide some effectiveness in deterring mice from garages, but they should not be relied upon as a sole method of pest control.

Can home remedies be used to get rid of mice in the garage?

Yes, home remedies such as peppermint oil, cloves, and cayenne pepper can be used to deter mice in the garage.