Seal Garage Door Sides from Inside: Keep Pests and Drafts Out

Learn how to effectively seal the sides of your garage door from the inside to keep out drafts, pests, and weather.

Key takeaways:

  • Choose weatherstripping: vinyl, rubber, foam tape, magnetic.
  • Measure sides accurately to prevent drafts and pests.
  • Cut weatherstripping precisely for a snug fit.
  • Apply adhesive evenly or use screws every 6 inches.
  • Test seal: check for light, feel for drafts, ensure smooth door movement.

Choose the Right Weatherstripping

choose the right weatherstripping

There are several types of weatherstripping to consider, and it’s vital to choose the right one for your specific garage door.

First up, we have vinyl weatherstripping. This is like the Swiss Army knife of the bunch—durable, flexible, and easy to work with. It’s great for keeping out drafts and critters looking for a free meal in your garage.

Next, you might think about rubber weatherstripping. This one’s the bodyguard of the group—thick and robust, perfect for extreme weather conditions. If you live where Mother Nature seems to have a beef with you, rubber’s your go-to.

Then, there’s foam tape weatherstripping. Think of this as the lightweight champion—easy to install and best for those slightly uneven surfaces. Foam tape hugs those irregular shapes like it’s your long-lost cousin at a family reunion.

Lastly, magnetic weatherstripping is available. It’s like the James Bond of the weatherstripping world—sophisticated and effective. Ideal for metal doors, it forms a tight seal with minimal effort.

Identify what you’re battling—cold drafts, rain, dust, or unwanted guests on eight legs—and choose accordingly.

Measure Your Garage Door Sides

Grab your trusty tape measure and let’s get those dimensions! Start at the top of one side of the garage door and pull the tape all the way to the bottom. Note the length. Repeat on the other side. No advanced math required, just good old measuring.

Remember, accuracy is key. Even small gaps can let in more drafts than your Aunt Edna’s holiday fruitcake recipe. So, double-check those measurements for good measure (pun totally intended).

Also, measure any grooves or gaps that might need extra attention. These little nooks can be sneaky, but a well-sealed garage is worth the detailed check.

Cut the Weatherstripping to Size

When you have your weatherstripping, the next step involves a bit of measuring and cutting – think of it as arts and crafts for grown-ups. Grab a measuring tape and mark the exact length of your garage door sides on the weatherstripping. Accuracy here means fewer drafts later.

Now, get your hands on a utility knife or heavy-duty scissors. Carefully cut along the marked lines. Remember, cutting is easier than putting things back together, so measure twice, cut once.

A pro-tip: try to keep the edges smooth. Jagged edges can compromise the seal. And hey, who doesn’t love a tidy cut?

Apply Adhesive or Screws

Now let’s get sticky or screwy!

First up, adhesives. If you’re going the glue route, make sure you apply it evenly along the edge of the weatherstripping. A little dab’ll do ya, but a consistent line is better. Press it firmly against the garage door frame, and hold it for a few seconds to let the adhesive work its magic.

For screws, grab a drill and select screws that aren’t ridiculously long—unless you want a garage door that looks like it lost a fight with a porcupine. Place screws about six inches apart for a secure fit. Start at the top and work your way down, making sure the weatherstripping stays straight and snug.

Remember, no matter which method you choose, you’re aiming for a tight seal. No one wants drafty surprises during a Midwest winter or an unexpected bug invasion.

Test the Seal

Close the garage door and inspect the sides. Look for any light shining through. Where there’s light, there’s a gap.

Next, run your hand along the newly installed weatherstripping. Feeling a draft? It might need adjustment.

No light and no drafts? Perfect. You’ve sealed the deal! If not, you might need to reapply or add some extra material. It’s all about tweaking until you’re draft-free.

Lastly, try opening and closing the door a few times. The door should move smoothly without snagging on the weatherstripping. If it’s catching, trim any excess or reposition slightly. Now, go admire your work like the weatherproofing wizard you are.